App Store ratings and reviews are not the end. Once you receive feedback, you will need to manage App Store reviews. Triage bug reports, prioritize software tasks, and respond to users. Turn past negative reviewers into positive reviewers for future versions.
Negative App Store reviews will discourage new users from installing your app. Learn what steps to take to prevent negative App Store reviews by addressing bugs and user feedback as early as possible with in-app feedback.
Learn about the importance of responding to problems such as bug reports, downtime, or other customer concerns. This article guides you through all aspects of crafting an impactful response to problems.
Are you having difficulty diagnosing software problems with your app? These 8 data points will help you identify and fix bugs reported by your users. Also provided are helpful tips on how to replicate and resolve issues related to symptoms discovered by these data points.
The Critic API now provides a way to interact with all of the functionality you see in the Critic web portal. Create your own integrations, query the API for information, or perform a full data export for further analysis of product feedback reported by your customers.